Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Making it Work

Sometimes your big dinner ambitions don't work out, but you can't give up.  Just make it work somehow!  Tonight I was looking forward to making chicken taquitos.  I tried about 5 times rolling different tortillas up, but they kept falling apart into a million pieces.  Frustration!!  I was about to give up and say "Let's grab some take out!"  when I decided I would see what happened if I tried to make them into tacos instead.   I didn't think it would work, but for whatever reason, they didn't fall apart!  So I fried up a bunch of tacos, and holy yum, I'm pretty sure they were better than the taquitos would have been!  Oh yeah, I'm definitely sure!  I crammed mine full of fresh salsa and avocado slices - taco heaven.  No recipe, I just shredded chicken and seasoned it with salt, pepper, garlic and cumin.  Put some on a tortilla, folded it and fried those babies up in some hot oil.  Delicious!!

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